Defunding Movement Sputters as Police Budgets Increase
From New York to Los Angeles, police departments that saw their funding targeted amid nationwide protests over the killing of George Floyd last year are getting that money back in response to rising levels of crime.
From New York to Los Angeles, police departments that saw their funding targeted amid nationwide protests over the killing of George Floyd last year are getting that money back in response to rising levels of crime in major cities last year, the exodus of officers from departments large and small and political pressures, reports the New York Times.
Local leaders in New York and California have voted for increases in police spending, with an additional $200 million allocated to the New York Police Department and a 3 percent boost given to the Los Angeles force. Burlington, Vt. went from cutting its police budget to approving $10,000 bonuses for officers to stay on the job. In Dallas, Mayor Eric Johnson not only proposed to restore money to the department but moved to increase the number of officers on the street, writing over the summer that “Dallas needs more police officers.”