Uncomfortable After Eating? Step Into a Virtual World for...
Virtual reality presents a promising option to treat GI issues after eating, a new...
The Truth About Fat
Body fat isn’t just about your size or how you look. It’s crucial to your body’s...
What's Better for Your Brain, Crossword Puzzles or Computer...
A new study finds crossword puzzles may help older adults slow down memory loss.
Colorism: How Skin Color, Race Create a Toxic Mix for Health
In our new docu-series, “Color by WebMD: WebMD’s Exploration of Race and Mental...
Dead Man Walking? Smartphone Data May Predict Mortality...
Even if you don't have a smartwatch or fitness tracker, your smartphone could provide...
Check Smoke, Carbon Monoxide Alarm Batteries as Clocks...
When resetting clocks, make it a priority to also check your smoke alarms and carbon...
Advances in Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder
Treatment for depression isn't just about all the old antidepressants you've already...
Apps for Depression
Online therapy and mental health apps can help treat anxiety, stress, and depression.
How My Bipolar Disorder Treatment Has Helped Me
Read one woman’s story of what it’s like to have severe bipolar disorder, and how...
How I Manage My Bipolar Mania
Find out how one woman manages the mania that comes with bipolar disorder.
How I Manage My Bipolar Depression
Read how one man with bipolar disorder handles the part of the condition that includes...
TikTok Influencers Missing Facts in Popular Health Videos
The hashtag #IBS has already pulled 1.6 billion views, drawing researchers' attention...
Simple Nose Swab Test Might Gauge Severity of Child's RSV
New research has unearthed clues that may make it easier to predict which kids will...
Low-Nicotine Cigarettes Won't Leave Smokers Agitated, Study...
A new study shows that while cigarettes with nicotine at 5% of the normal dose can...
Vitiligo: More Than Just a Cosmetic Condition
Vitiligo is a chronic skin condition and may be autoimmune. Topicals, phototherapy,...
Vitiligo: Facing the Doubt
It can be tough to learn to live with vitiligo. But there are ways to accept it...