How Telegram became the most prominent platform for the right-wing fringe, including by not having a recommendation algorithm, which helps groups stay hidden (Philip Bump/Washington Post)

Philip Bump / Washington Post:How Telegram became the most prominent platform for the right-wing fringe, including by not having a recommendation algorithm, which helps groups stay hidden  —  Once conservative America decided that mainstream social media platforms were unfairly censoring them — a belief born of pressure …

How Telegram became the most prominent platform for the right-wing fringe, including by not having a recommendation algorithm, which helps groups stay hidden (Philip Bump/Washington Post)

Philip Bump / Washington Post:
How Telegram became the most prominent platform for the right-wing fringe, including by not having a recommendation algorithm, which helps groups stay hidden  —  Once conservative America decided that mainstream social media platforms were unfairly censoring them — a belief born of pressure …