Handbags are definitely one of my main vices. Nothing gives me quite a serotonin boost like unboxing a shiny new bag—especially when I've had my eye on it for a little while. Currently, I've been keeping a close watch on Revolve's bag selection for a mix of playful, contemporary handbags at a reasonable price point.
A concoction of practical midsize day bags, maximal statement bags, and aspirational glittery evening bags makes for the perfect lineup. A good bag (and shoes) can upgrade a simple ensemble, whether it be a T-shirt and jeans or a knit and leggings. Hence why bags are my justified investment piece, or at least worth collecting at any price.
The below 34 handbags are currently on my list for my next purchase. Everything from summery basket bags to fuzzy shoulder bags is at your disposal. Shopping to ensue below!