Narendra Modi's Twitter account was briefly compromised, tweeting that India had adopted bitcoin as legal tender and linking to a sketchy website (Manish Singh/TechCrunch)

Manish Singh / TechCrunch:Narendra Modi's Twitter account was briefly compromised, tweeting that India had adopted bitcoin as legal tender and linking to a sketchy website  —  The Twitter account of India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi was “briefly compromised” on Sunday, his office said.

Narendra Modi's Twitter account was briefly compromised, tweeting that India had adopted bitcoin as legal tender and linking to a sketchy website (Manish Singh/TechCrunch)

Manish Singh / TechCrunch:
Narendra Modi's Twitter account was briefly compromised, tweeting that India had adopted bitcoin as legal tender and linking to a sketchy website  —  The Twitter account of India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi was “briefly compromised” on Sunday, his office said.