Despite Legislation, Anti-Asian Incidents Haven’t Declined:...
Despite legislation and other efforts aimed at curbing anti-Asian hate crimes, there...
Police, Public Safety and the Rule of Law: Is a Global...
A National Academy of Sciences report released Thursday calls for a Global Crime...
Five Misconceptions About Police Reform
While the appetite for police reform among advocates and policymakers has remained...
Not So Fast Blaming Slow Metabolism for Midlife Weight...
New research looks at how many calories people burn across their lifetime, with...
Is It Immaturity or ADHD?
If you think your child may have ADHD, take a breath. It may be something less serious.
After-School Programs Can Ease Kids' ADHD
Research shows that after-school programs could relieve some troubles for kids who...
ADHD Day-to-Day
When your child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), it can turn...
Delta COVID Variant May Increase Risk of Dating, Expert...
The dating behaviors of adolescents and young adults pose a challenge to fighting...
What Is the Spoon Theory?
The spoon theory is a way to describe what it’s like to live with chronic diseases....
What's It Really Like to Have ADHD?
Having ADHD can make you feel paranoid. Explore a personal story of one man's experience...
How Birth Control Is Safer and Easier Than Ever
Thanks to design changes and recent declarations by physician’s groups that they...
Surprise Pregnancy: Could It Happen to You?
Almost half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unplanned. Find out how this happens...
Permanent Birth Control: His and Her Options
If you're sure you don't want kids, find out from WebMD what's involved with permanent...
Can Yoga Can Help Your AFib?
WebMD explains how yoga can help prevent the speeding up or slowing down of the...
Death Reported From Ebola-Like Marburg Virus in West Africa
A deadly case of the Marburg virus has been identified in Guinea, the first-time...
Exercise Linked to 50% Lower Risk of Death After Stroke
New research suggests that exercising, even a little, may significantly reduce the...