Profile of Netflix's head of movies Scott Stuber, who has grown original film output from 21 in 2016 to 70+ in 2021, as it makes deals with Spielberg and others (Brent Lang/Variety)
Brent Lang / Variety:Profile of Netflix's head of movies Scott Stuber, who has grown original film output from 21 in 2016 to 70+ in 2021, as it makes deals with Spielberg and others — Two years ago, the legendary director reportedly opposed the idea that streaming films should qualify for Oscars.
Brent Lang / Variety:
Profile of Netflix's head of movies Scott Stuber, who has grown original film output from 21 in 2016 to 70+ in 2021, as it makes deals with Spielberg and others — Two years ago, the legendary director reportedly opposed the idea that streaming films should qualify for Oscars.