Profile of Netflix's head of movies Scott Stuber, who has grown original film output from 21 in 2016 to 70+ in 2021, as it makes deals with Spielberg and others (Brent Lang/Variety)

Brent Lang / Variety:Profile of Netflix's head of movies Scott Stuber, who has grown original film output from 21 in 2016 to 70+ in 2021, as it makes deals with Spielberg and others  —  Two years ago, the legendary director reportedly opposed the idea that streaming films should qualify for Oscars.

Profile of Netflix's head of movies Scott Stuber, who has grown original film output from 21 in 2016 to 70+ in 2021, as it makes deals with Spielberg and others (Brent Lang/Variety)

Brent Lang / Variety:
Profile of Netflix's head of movies Scott Stuber, who has grown original film output from 21 in 2016 to 70+ in 2021, as it makes deals with Spielberg and others  —  Two years ago, the legendary director reportedly opposed the idea that streaming films should qualify for Oscars.