Vocal communication recorded in 53 animals we thought were...
New recordings of sounds made by reptiles, amphibians and fish suggest that vocal...
Eastern Australia is battling fifth major wave of floods...
More extreme rain has flooded 43 towns in New South Wales, 24 in Victoria and three...
Why we urgently need answers about artificial sweeteners...
Artificial sweeteners have been shown to help people maintain their weight and improve...
Bacteria could survive just under Mars's surface for 280...
When bacteria are dried and frozen, as they most likely would be just under the...
Industrial Revolution may have been kick-started by drought
The 19th century transition to coal in Britain was thought to be driven by a lack...
17th-century infant's life and health revealed by 'virtual...
A young child found in an unmarked coffin in an Austrian crypt was exceptionally...
World is on track for 2.5°C of global warming by end of...
Countries’ climate plans are nowhere near ambitious enough to cut emissions in line...
16 'vital signs' of the planet's health are now at record...
An assessment of 35 key factors in Earth’s climate system, such as greenhouse gas...
COP27: How the world is doing on climate targets and what...
The war in Ukraine has encouraged a rush to exploit more fossil fuels, but there...
Greenhouse gas levels have hit yet another record – here's...
Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide reached record-high concentrations in...
Fossil shows what lizards' ancestors looked like 167 million...
A reptile named Bellairsia gracilis has been identified as an early member of the...
Appetite-suppressing probiotic helps overweight people...
Consuming the bacterium Hafnia alvei twice a day for three months led to better...
Neutron stars may fire out neutrino beams like a laser...
Neutron stars cool down by emitting neutrinos. A mathematical model now suggests...
AIs become smarter if you tell them to think step by step
Artificial intelligence models can outperform humans at tasks AIs normally struggle...
High school student is first to sequence the angelfish...
17-year-old Indeever Madireddy sequenced the genome of his pet angelfish after it...
Glyphosate weedkiller impairs learning and memory in bumblebees
Bumblebees exposed to glyphosate performed worse in tests that required them to...