The immediate threat of attackers mass exploiting Log4Shell was averted because the severity of the bug galvanized digital and security communities into action (Chester Wisniewski/Sophos News)

Chester Wisniewski / Sophos News:The immediate threat of attackers mass exploiting Log4Shell was averted because the severity of the bug galvanized digital and security communities into action  —  Sometimes, when a software crisis doesn't cause the kind of devastation everyone expects, it is because there may not have been a crisis in the first place.

The immediate threat of attackers mass exploiting Log4Shell was averted because the severity of the bug galvanized digital and security communities into action (Chester Wisniewski/Sophos News)

Chester Wisniewski / Sophos News:
The immediate threat of attackers mass exploiting Log4Shell was averted because the severity of the bug galvanized digital and security communities into action  —  Sometimes, when a software crisis doesn't cause the kind of devastation everyone expects, it is because there may not have been a crisis in the first place.