A look at the use of WhatsApp in Indian state Gujarat's elections, as political parties deploy thousands of "digital warriors" to spam the "people's feed" (Samriddhi Sakunia/Rest of World)

Samriddhi Sakunia / Rest of World:A look at the use of WhatsApp in Indian state Gujarat's elections, as political parties deploy thousands of “digital warriors” to spam the “people's feed”  —  10,000 volunteers, 50,000 WhatsApp groups, and the intense fight to “control people's feed” in Gujarat.

A look at the use of WhatsApp in Indian state Gujarat's elections, as political parties deploy thousands of "digital warriors" to spam the "people's feed" (Samriddhi Sakunia/Rest of World)

Samriddhi Sakunia / Rest of World:
A look at the use of WhatsApp in Indian state Gujarat's elections, as political parties deploy thousands of “digital warriors” to spam the “people's feed”  —  10,000 volunteers, 50,000 WhatsApp groups, and the intense fight to “control people's feed” in Gujarat.