Families of Highland Park Shooting Victims Sue Smith & Wesson

The families the July 4 mass shooting in Highland Park ill. alleged that the gun manufacturer used deceptive marketing strategies that targeted “the risk-seeking—and often troubling—desires of disturbed young men."

Families of Highland Park Shooting Victims Sue Smith & Wesson

The families of victims of the Fourth of July mass shooting in Highland Park, Ill., are suing gun maker Smith & Wesson Brands Inc., alleging that the company used deceptive and unfair marketing strategies that violate Illinois law and target “the risk-seeking—and often troubling—desires” of “disturbed young men,” reports Jennifer Calfas for the Wall Street Journal.

The families say that the actions of Smith & Wesson launched a series of events that led to the shooting and also name a gun retailer, gun dealer, the accused shooter and his father in the suit. Alleged shooter Robert E. Crimo III used a Smith & Wesson Model M&P 15 semiautomatic rifle to carry out the attack.