Florida Man Sentenced To 10 Years For Ricin Murder Plot

Jones pleaded guilty after the FBI received a complaint that he had created ricin with the intent to kill his former partner.

Florida Man Sentenced To 10 Years For Ricin Murder Plot

A federal court has sentenced Kevin Deane Jones of Kissimmee, Florida to 10 years in prison for illegally carrying ricin and two weapons as a convicted felon. Jones pleaded guilty after the FBI received a complaint that he had created ricin with the intent to kill his former partner. Investigators found that Jones had purchased materials online to make ricin and had five bottles of liquids that tested positive for the substance according to a Tuesday press release from the Department of Justice.

Jones admitted to manufacturing ricin in December 2021 after being confronted by law enforcement when they were informed that he was planning to travel to the state his former partner lived in. Jones was also found to be in possession of unlawfully obtained firearms and ammunition, which were discovered at his home and a storage facility rented in his name. “He is a dangerous individual who put not only the victim, but the community at risk. He deserves to be in prison for a long time,” said Cheriff Marcos Lopez from the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office