Golubski Case Reveals Pattern of Corruption in Kansas PD

Former Kansas City detective Roger Golubski marred with corruption for years, was sentenced for only a fraction of his crimes.

Golubski Case Reveals Pattern of Corruption in Kansas PD

Former Kansas City detective Roger Golubski was accused of corruption by Kansas City residents for decades, but managed to retire without facing the law until KCUR, NPR’s Kansas City affiliate, started working on a podcast that the FBI finally arrested Golubski — on just a fraction of his alleged crimes, Peggy Lowe reports for KCUR.

Golubski, who retired in 2002, had forced several false testimonies from witnesses to help convict individuals he had arrested. Golubski was first charged with civil rights violations for raping and kidnapping two women back in the 1990s as he was known to ride around with women – particularly black women. Still, Golubski caught a break, according to many Kansas City residents who reveled in his initial indictment. However, new charges filed on Nov. 14, 2022, included conspiracy, kidnapping and aggravated sexual abuse. In addition, prosecutors alleged that in the 1990s, drug dealers paid Golubski to help protect their sex trafficking operation involving underage girls.