Prostate Cancer: Why Early Detection Matters
How one self-described 'regular guy' changed his health habits after diagnosis.
Immunotherapy May Help Fight Some Advanced Colon Cancers
A new report reveals immunotherapy helped extend the lives of some patients with...
Public Favors Masks in Classrooms but Balks at Vaccine...
With schools reopening, poll finds two-thirds of parents support mandating masks...
COVID Vaccine Hesitancy: 90 Million Still On the Fence
While some of these still unvaccinated people may actually be hesitant -- that is,...
As COVID Resurges, Vaccinated Americans Rage Against Holdouts
COVID-19 rates are surging again, and many Americans who’ve been vaccinated are...
What Schizophrenia Symptoms and Stigma Feel Like
Experts and people with schizophrenia describe what it’s like to live with this...
Dating With Schizophrenia
Dating when you have schizophrenia can be a challenge. But your condition doesn’t...
Traveling Pain-Free With Rheumatoid Arthritis
With good planning and an easy schedule, you can keep your RA in check and have...
Dancing to Music Can Curb Parkinson’s Disease Progression
A recent study showed that patients with mild to moderate Parkinson’s slowed the...
Mosquito-Resistant, Bite Proof Clothing in the Works
The new fabric repels mosquitoes without chemical insecticides, according to scientists...
Poll Finds Most Americans Believe Nurses Are Underpaid
National survey finds that large majorities believe nurses and health aides are...
Prostate Cancer in Black Men: Overcoming Barriers to Better...
Black men are more than twice as likely as white men to die of prostate cancer....
New Biomaterial Vaccines Aim to Ward Off Future Pandemic...
Scientists are banking on the idea the structure of a future pathogen to threaten...
Dangerous Price of COVID Rules for Women, Children in Africa
COVID-19 safety responses have had harmful, and life-threating, effects for women...
Dirty Air, Higher Dementia Risk?
A long-term study links exposure to higher levels of fine particulate air pollution...