Video Game Addiction: Noticing Warning Signs, Getting Help
The majority of youngsters who play video games do so as a form of entertainment,...
Healing and Rebuilding Your Life After a Spouse's Suicide
Losing a loved one to suicide is a loss like no other. Unlike other causes of death...
Your Weight Could Alter Vitamin D's Effect on Health
Vitamin D is widely promoted for better health, but if you're overweight, you might...
The FDA Wants an Annual COVID Vaccine: What You Need to...
A national advisory committee is expected to vote Thursday on whether Americans...
Experts Still Don't Agree About How Much Water We Need...
While researchers dig deeper into how much water we should have, people should take...
Coming to Terms With My Diagnosis
It can be overwhelming to be diagnosed with metastatic small-cell lung cancer. Here,...
Gut Microbiome May Play Role in Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Researchers believe they have found a link between lower bacterial diversity in...
Medical Gaslighting: When the Doctor Dismisses Your Concerns
Having one’s symptoms dismissed by a health care professional is sometimes called...
ADHD Tied to Higher Rates of Anxiety, Depression
A new study finds ADHD may be an even bigger predictor of depression and anxiety...
New Smell Tech Could Make VR Therapies More Powerful
Medical research on the benefits of smell in virtual reality may start to move faster,...
People With Cancer Should Be Wary of Taking Dietary Supplements
Taking dietary supplements alongside cancer therapies can reduce the effects of...
Four Heavenly, Heart-Healthy Entrees
Warm heart and soul this Valentine's Day with easy-to-make entrees that are as good...
3D-Printed Tumor Models Could Advance New Cancer Therapies
The emerging technology of 3D bioprinting could help scientists discover new therapies,...
Vitamin B12: What It Can Do, and What It Can’t
Vitamin B12 supplements are hailed as a remedy for everything from weight loss to...
Lessons From a Two-Time Heart Attack Survivor
Channing Muller had her first attack when she was 26 years old. A vegetarian for...
Hyperkalemia: Use Good Nutritional Sense
If you have kidney disease, you are at risk to have hyperkalemia, or high blood...