New rules in India that make Twitter's local chief compliance officer criminally liable for not complying with government orders may be fueling recent takedowns (Andrew Deck/Rest of World)

Andrew Deck / Rest of World:New rules in India that make Twitter's local chief compliance officer criminally liable for not complying with government orders may be fueling recent takedowns  —  Observers say Twitter's recent takedowns in India highlight how new laws make it easier to censor journalists and dissidents.

New rules in India that make Twitter's local chief compliance officer criminally liable for not complying with government orders may be fueling recent takedowns (Andrew Deck/Rest of World)

Andrew Deck / Rest of World:
New rules in India that make Twitter's local chief compliance officer criminally liable for not complying with government orders may be fueling recent takedowns  —  Observers say Twitter's recent takedowns in India highlight how new laws make it easier to censor journalists and dissidents.