New York to Reassign 5,000 School Police Officers and Embrace...
For some, the move is seen as a positive step toward embracing practices that resolve...
Trump-Era Special Prosecutor Indicts Democrat-Connected...
Special counsel John H. Durham has secured an indictment accusing cybersecurity...
Clarence Thomas Insists ‘Personal Preferences’ Don’t Sway...
Justice Thomas joined other fellow justices in insisting that their decisions are...
DOJ to Review Federal Prison Policies on Transgender Inmates
The transgender leader of an Illinois anti-government militia group has pushed the...
Facebook Response to Human Traffickers and Drug Cartels...
While Facebook spent millions of hours cleaning up its U.S.-based networks, the...
Judge Delays Second Texas Execution Amid Religious Freedom...
The delay is part of an ongoing debate over whether the state is violating an inmate's...
Authorities Scramble to Cope With Pandemic-Driven Increase...
New York Mayor Bill De Blasio has blamed virus-related court backlogs for a 58 percent...
State Supreme Court Approves Ballot Vote to Decide the...
The Minnesota State Supreme Court has left it to the voters to decide exactly what...
Justice Department Refuses to Let Sacklers Off the Hook...
The Department of Justice has moved to block a bankruptcy plan that would grant...
Madoff Fraud Victims Awarded $568M in New Distribution
The Department of Justice Thursday announced its seventh distribution of funds to...
UN Human Rights Commissioner Calls for Moratorium on Artificial...
Former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet cited a United Nations report warning...
Having a Cousin or Grandparent With Colon Cancer Raises...
A new study finds if you have a second- or third-degree relative who had colon cancer...
WHO: Africa Will Get 30% of COVID Vaccines It Needs by...
Low vaccination rates in Africa are reported as richer countries like the U.S. begin...
Your Diet Could Cut Your Odds for Severe COVID-19
A new study suggests a diet full of fruits and vegetables may help lower your risk...
9 Diabetes Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Are you making these common missteps in your diabetes management? Learn how to avoid...
Want to See What COVID Strain You Have? The Government...
The country is dotted with labs that sequence the genomes of COVID-19 cases, and...