Supreme Court Will Hear Consecutive Sentence Challenge...
In Lora v United States, justices will be asked to decide if prohibitions against...
Around 200 Prisoners Per Month Are Held Past Their Release...
A New York Times investigation has found that the practice of "overdetention" is...
Police in China Arrest Gang Who Laundered $1.7 Billion...
The arrests come as Beijing has cracked down on trading digital coins. Last year,...
Supreme Court Off to Historically Slow Start as Contentious...
The justices previously set a record this term in failing to release any opinions...
Former CNN Producer Takes Plea Deal in Child Sex Abuse...
As part of the plea deal, the government will drop the two remaining counts of enticement...
EFF Files Brief Arguing Against Qualified Immunity When...
In an amicus brief, the nonprofit organization that defends civil liberties in the...