The best science fiction books of 2022: Uncertainty, dystopia...
Uncertainty and crisis are key to this year's best sci-fi offerings, from Janelle...
Plastic 'Pac-Man' moves using water ripples
A simple device made of plastic and rubber can be controlled using ripples in water...
Microfibres that pollute the seas are floating homes for...
Almost 200 species of bacteria, including one that can cause food poisoning, were...
Sperm-blocking vaginal gel could be a reliable contraceptive...
A gel that has prevented almost all of 1 billion sperm getting past the cervix in...
Antibiotics encoded in Neanderthal DNA could help us fight...
A search of the ancient DNA of Neanderthals and Denisovans has revealed coding for...
China's failure to vaccinate makes giving up on zero covid...
Widespread protests against China's zero-covid policy have led the country to ease...
Flying squirrels carve nuts to store them securely in tree...
Buried nuts would quickly rot in the tropical rainforests of Hainan Island, so flying...
Newly discovered dinosaur has a streamlined body like a...
An analysis of a fossil has revealed a new species of dinosaur named Natovenator...
Ancient megatsunami on Mars traced to the crater where...
Before Mars dried up, an asteroid slammed into one of its oceans and caused a colossal...
Owl-like engravings from Copper Age may have been made...
Slate plaques from about 5000 years ago engraved with images of what look like owls...
Yellowstone supervolcano contains twice as much melted...
There is more melted rock under Yellowstone Caldera – a volcano in Wyoming – than...
DeepMind AI uses deception to beat human players in war...
An AI has learned to deceive human opponents in the war-themed board game Stratego,...
Vaccine prompts HIV antibodies in 97 per cent of people...
An experimental HIV vaccine led to antibodies against the virus in 35 out of 36...
First faecal transplant treatment approved for use in the...
A faecal-transplant therapy called Rebyota has been approved by the US Food and...
JWST has taken pictures of clouds on Saturn’s moon Titan
The James Webb Space Telescope and the Keck Observatory in Hawaii have watched clouds...
A video and live blog of Sam Bankman-Fried being interviewed...
New York Times:A video and live blog of Sam Bankman-Fried being interviewed by Andrew...