Safari now has an estimated 1B+ users, making it the second browser to pass the milestone, behind Chrome's 3.37B+, but ahead of Edge's 212M+ and Firefox's 179M+ (Atlas VPN)
Atlas VPN:Safari now has an estimated 1B+ users, making it the second browser to pass the milestone, behind Chrome's 3.37B+, but ahead of Edge's 212M+ and Firefox's 179M+ — Browsers can connect you to any place on the internet. It retrieves and renders data to show it nicely on your screen.
Atlas VPN:
Safari now has an estimated 1B+ users, making it the second browser to pass the milestone, behind Chrome's 3.37B+, but ahead of Edge's 212M+ and Firefox's 179M+ — Browsers can connect you to any place on the internet. It retrieves and renders data to show it nicely on your screen.