Whale songs can spread between groups nearly 8000 kilometres...
Songs that were first heard from humpback whales off eastern Australia were picked...
Secure computers can leak data by using speakers to shake...
Computers could transmit highly confidential data even without internet, Wi-Fi or...
Wafer-thin cameras with long focal lengths are theoretically...
Devices called spaceplates, which promise to squash the empty space out of cameras,...
A common childhood illness could be behind 'tomato flu'...
The so-called tomato flu spreading among children in Kerala, India, is probably...
Most days could be dangerously hot for 5 billion people...
The majority of days every year could become dangerously hot in many parts of the...
Best evidence yet that fifth fundamental ‘chameleon’ force...
Sensitive test to detect a possible fifth fundamental force known as the chameleon...
Synthetic mouse embryos with rudimentary brain grown in...
Embryo-like structures grown in an incubator instead of a uterus could lead to better...
Researchers have worked out the rules for how some things...
The rules of wrinkling are surprisingly hard to pin down. Using experiments, simulations...
Tory leadership contest's online vote is still vulnerable...
Hacking concerns continue to dog the online Conservative party vote, which will...
Anti-laser can make any object suck in light
A maze of mirrors and lenses turns any material into a highly efficient light absorber...
Rapid eye movements during sleep reveal where mice look...
If rapid eye movements during human sleep show the same correlation, researchers...
Rewetting dried wetlands could stop 100 billion tons of...
Half of the planet’s wetlands are dried out or degraded, and rewetting them could...
JWST found carbon dioxide in an exoplanet atmosphere –...
The James Webb Space Telescope has made the first clear detection of carbon dioxide...
Drugs that mutate viruses to kill them could make them...
Several antiviral drugs kill viruses by inducing lots of mutations, but a computer...
Underwater data centre in the Pacific could be running...
A start-up has developed data centre pods that can be submerged in the ocean to...
Robot dog learns to walk on tough terrain in just 20 minutes
Grass lawns and hiking trails are no problem for this robot, which learned to walk...