‘Forbidden’ planet somehow escaped consumption by its dying...
The planet 8 Ursae Minoris b should have been destroyed when its star became a red...
Supernovae might be a good place to hunt for alien broadcasts
Other intelligent civilisations may send transmissions after a bright galactic event...
AI has designed bacteria-killing proteins from scratch...
An AI was tasked with creating proteins with anti-microbial properties. Researchers...
The size of skin cancer cells may affect how they respond...
Smaller melanoma skin cancer cells may be more vulnerable to drugs that block DNA...
Earth's 'geological thermostat' is too slow to prevent...
Rock weathering has helped keep Earth’s climate relatively stable for millions of...
Preterm babies have a similar BMI at adolescence to peers...
By the time premature babies reach 14 to 19 years of age, they have, on average,...
We can reduce homelessness if we follow the science on...
Decades of research have shown that focusing on housing, without making sobriety...
Taxing sugary drinks may not cut obesity as much as headlines...
A study finds the UK’s 2018 sugar tax prevented 5000 cases of obesity in school...
‘Love hormone' may not be crucial for social bonding after...
Prairie voles still form social bonds without oxytocin sensors in the brain. The...
US childhood obesity guidelines may rush the use of drugs...
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends intensive interventions to manage...
Multicellular life may have begun with brief alliances...
Single-celled organisms called Stentor can feed more efficiently by pairing up,...
Solar panel cleaning robot can be dropped off and picked...
Dirty solar panels reduce global solar energy output as much as 5 per cent, but...
Two of the UK's water companies are still using dowsing...
Most UK water companies have dropped the scientifically discredited method of dowsing...
Bears may self-medicate against ticks by rubbing against...
Brown bears often scratch their backs on trees, leaving behind chemical signals...
US hospitals are facing critically low supplies of liquid...
In response to a shortage of liquid ibuprofen, the US Food and Drug Administration...
Why antidepressants can blunt both negative and positive...
People taking an SSRI antidepressant do less well in a task that measures how sensitive...