Most of England's sewage systems are overwhelmed, finds...
Figures on sewage overflows into rivers and seas in England show that 80 per cent...
Putting solar panels in grazing fields is good for sheep
Sheep living in pasture with solar panels benefit from shade in hot weather and...
Ancient Egyptians used exotic oils from distant lands to...
A workshop used for mummification at Saqqara in Egypt contains remnants of the substances...
We need to accept that deepfakes are here to stay in film...
Last week saw the launch of Deep Fake Neighbour Wars, the first ever deepfake comedy....
Pegasus review: Terrifying exposé of the world's most powerful...
From French president Emmanuel Macron to ordinary whistle-blowers, the surveillance...
Why the most important topic in physics could be statistical...
Statistical mechanics helps relate the quantum world to objects that seem solid...
Tweets reveal hardware stores cause disgust but hostels...
A study of nearly 2 million tweets over one year suggests that people in San Francisco...
Neanderthals hunted enormous elephants that fed 100 people...
Analysis of cut marks on elephant bones suggests every scrap of meat and fat was...
Vikings brought horses and dogs to England, cremated bones...
The first physical proof that Vikings brought horses and dogs to England has been...
Antidepressants mostly can't treat chronic pain, despite...
Ongoing pain, such as chronic back or neck pain, is difficult to treat, so some...
Flying robot echolocates like a bat to avoid banging into...
A simple buzzer and some microphones help a drone to navigate and map out its surroundings,...
Should we be worried about bird flu spreading to mammals?
Bird flu infections have been recorded in various mammals, including foxes and mink,...
US military plan to create huge autonomous drone swarms...
The AMASS project would involve thousands of drones, on the ground, in the air and...
Google AI generates musical backing tracks to accompany...
An artificial intelligence called SingSong can take a recording of a person singing...
Human neurons implanted into a rat's brain respond to flashing...
Lab-grown neurons were transplanted into the brains of rats with damaged visual...
Sunquakes may be caused by weird beams of electrons from...
Mysterious ripples in the sun’s plasma have gone unexplained for decades, but they...