Ten years after the Higgs discovery, what now for particle...
After the Higgs, the Large Hadron Collider was expected to find other theorised...
Rogue planets with weird atmospheres and no star could...
Worlds that hold onto their dense primordial atmospheres of hydrogen and helium...
Artificially intelligent robot perpetuates racist and sexist...
Virtual robot run by artificial intelligence acts in a way that conforms to toxic...
African wild dogs give birth 22 days later than they did...
African wild dogs like to breed at the coolest time of year, and climate change...
Coming off methotrexate doubles antibody levels after covid-19...
People with conditions like psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis who took a two-week...
Every heatwave occurring today is more intense due to climate...
It is no longer important to use modelling to determine whether a heatwave was made...
Faecal transplants ease irritable bowel syndrome for three...
Two-thirds of people with IBS who received a stool transplant from a donor with...
Covid-19: What are the risks of catching the virus multiple...
A study suggests people who catch covid-19 at least twice have double the risk of...
Update – NASA's CAPSTONE spacecraft is on its way to the...
As part of its Artemis programme to return humans to the moon, NASA’s CAPSTONE spacecraft...
UK and Germany could lower fuel and food prices by cutting...
The G7 group of nations reportedly rejected a proposal from the UK and Germany to...
New-to-science toad species discovered on university campus...
For the second time in his life, researcher Rommel Rojas Zamora has identified a...
A longevity diet that hacks cell ageing could add years...
A new diet based on research into the body's ageing process suggests you can increase...
What overturning Roe v Wade means for life-saving abortion...
New laws that ban abortion in US states include exceptions for when the life of...
Tiny nanoturbine is an autonomous machine smaller than...
A turbine only a few dozen nanometres in size made from DNA rotates in salty water...
Algae cells that cheat are more likely to die of environmental...
Cheaters never win – at least in algae. Cells modified to reproduce when they shouldn't...
Intermittent fasting linked to better gut and liver function...
Limiting meals to an eight-hour window each day regulates the circadian rhythm of...