16 Gifts So Good That I Forgot I Was Shopping for Someone Else

Don't mind if I do.

16 Gifts So Good That I Forgot I Was Shopping for Someone Else

Out of all the holiday shopping I do, gift shopping is by far the most difficult. There's a slew of reasons why shopping for someone else is challenging for me, but the most glaring one is fighting the urge to buy pieces for myself instead. In my defense, the pieces on the market right now are pretty dreamy. I can't help but be mesmerized by the cozy knits, classic tees, and accessories sneaking their way into my shopping bag. Jenni Kayne has all of this and then some. As you can imagine, I'm having a hard time restraining myself from buying a new throw blanket and cashmere sweater. But this is the best problem to have, so below, I'm sharing 16 gifts that are perfect for everyone on your list (yourself included).