IRCTC, which has a monopoly on online train ticket booking in India, scraps plans to monetize customer data following uproar when its plans were uncovered (Manish Singh/TechCrunch)
Manish Singh / TechCrunch:IRCTC, which has a monopoly on online train ticket booking in India, scraps plans to monetize customer data following uproar when its plans were uncovered — Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), a state-run firm with a monopoly on online booking of train tickets …
Manish Singh / TechCrunch:
IRCTC, which has a monopoly on online train ticket booking in India, scraps plans to monetize customer data following uproar when its plans were uncovered — Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), a state-run firm with a monopoly on online booking of train tickets …