Bowhead whales live longer thanks to mutation that also...
We may have discovered one of the key reasons for the extraordinary lifespans of...
Chronic fatigue syndrome linked to almost 200 genetic variants
In a study of more than 2300 people with chronic fatigue syndrome, 91 per cent had...
Robot navigates indoors by tracking anomalies in magnetic...
Metal pipes beneath the floor provide enough local disturbance of Earth’s magnetic...
Scientists are slathering reefs with antibiotics to stop...
Researchers have resorted to applying antibiotics on corals to save Caribbean reefs...
James Webb Space Telescope captures its first pictures...
Infrared images of Mars taken by the James Webb Space Telescope could help us better...
Feeding farm by-products to livestock could boost our food...
15 per cent of food currently given to livestock and farmed fish is suitable for...
Smart face mask could detect coronavirus on other people’s...
A prototype N95 face mask with a sensor built into the breath valve appears to be...
Global warming could kill many of the tree species that...
Around three-quarters of the tree and shrub species currently grown in cities worldwide...
Vegan pet food: Can cats and dogs be happy and healthy...
Emerging research suggests vegan pet food may be able to keep dogs and even cats...
There are 20,000,000,000,000,000 ants crawling all over...
A new study estimates there are 20 quadrillion individual ants across the globe,...
Ant-slayer spider catches prey with acrobatic leap to wrap...
High-speed cameras have revealed the extraordinary hunting technique of the Australian...
Umbilical cord 'milking' cuts brain injury risk for babies...
Squeezing nutrient-rich blood from the umbilical cord into babies who are born pale...
Most big coastal cities have areas sinking faster than...
44 of the 48 most populous coastal cities have areas sinking faster than the sea...
Face recognition technology for pigs could improve welfare...
Machine learning software can identify individual pigs based on their facial features...
Plan to cut Ethereum energy use sees miners switch cryptocurrencies
The Merge, a long-awaited update which promised to slash Ethereum’s vast energy...
NASA is ready to knock an asteroid off course with its...
The Double Asteroid Redirection Test is preparing to crash into the asteroid Dimorphos...