Baby leatherback turtles struggle to find the sea on dark...
Sea turtles have to dash into the sea after they hatch, but young leatherback turtles...
Whirlpools made of light can be twisted into the shape...
Vortex rings, similar to smoke rings, have been observed in pulsing light before....
Taller people may have a higher risk of nerve, skin and...
Your height is determined by both your genes and environment, but the genetic component...
Traffic noise at schools may hinder a child's memory and...
Students who were exposed to the highest level of outdoor noise pollution while...
Hot plasma mirror may help solve Stephen Hawking’s black...
A few particles of light bouncing off a flying mirror made of charged particles...
Changing US abortion laws could dangerously restrict miscarriage...
Medical treatment for miscarriage is often identical to abortion care. If Roe v...
Mini nuclear power stations may produce more waste than...
Small modular reactors produce higher volumes and greater complexity of radioactive...
World's first exascale supercomputer Frontier smashes speed...
Frontier, a supercomputer built by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is the first capable...
Type 2 diabetes linked to cognitive decline in older age
People with type 2 diabetes aged 50 to 80 performed worse on cognitive tests and...
Damaged liver repaired inside machine for three days before...
A damaged liver that was kept alive and repaired in a machine for three days outside...
Megalodon vs great white: New clues to demise of world’s...
An analysis of zinc isotopes in ancient shark teeth suggests megalodon and great...
The rise of SpinLaunch, the company planning to hurl things...
In the desert of New Mexico, a centrifuge taller than the Statue of Liberty is being...
Watch this cockroach robot squirm through a tricky obstacle...
The Omni-Roach robot moves like a cockroach to scale bumps, dodge pillars and wobble...
Australian seagrass has cloned itself to cover 180 kilometres...
A seagrass off the west coast of Australia has grown to be the biggest clonal organism...
Lizard can switch from female to male before birth, but...
Some offspring of the spotted snow skink, a lizard found in Tasmania, are born anatomically...
Termites spread globally by crossing the oceans on driftwood...
An analysis of drywood termite DNA shows the wood-dwelling insects have crossed...