Whistleblower Nurse Sues LaSalle Corrections
Notably, a November 2022 report confirmed many of Dawn Wooten’s original allegations, and documented what authors described as a pattern of “excessive, invasive and often unnecessary” gynecological procedures at LaSalle.
The former nurse who alleged serious medical abuse at the now-closed LaSalle Corrections immigration jail facility in Ocilla, Georgia has filed suit against her former employer for retaliating against her for blowing the whistle on the private prison company, Lautaro Grinspan reports for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Dawn Wooten began ringing alarm bells about the COVID-19 protocols in the immigration jail during the summer of 2020 and the unusual number of gynecological exams and procedures being performed on detainees, which Wooten suspected were being done without their consent. After her September whistleblower report caused national outcry, Wooten alleges that she was effectively terminated.
Now, she’s being represented with support from the Government Accountability Project in a case which may set a new standard for whistleblower litigation. Notably, a November 2022 report confirmed many of Wooten’s original allegations, and documented what authors described as a pattern of “excessive, invasive and often unnecessary” gynecological procedures at LaSalle.