In Colorado, Hundreds Look To Have Criminal Records Sealed
Expunge Colorado is filling the gap for people who would otherwise have to wait until 2024 for a bill that will automatically seal non-violent convictions for those who meet the requirements.
Several hundred people attended a clinic hosted by Expunge Colorado, a nonprofit that has spent the last five years helping those with criminal records get them sealed, most of whom were people of color, reports Alison Berg for Rocky Mountain PBS. The organization has dozens of volunteers and attorneys to help people determine whether or not their case is eligible to be sealed.
Most convictions are eligible for dismissal after up to five years. Ineligible records include domestic violence, driving under the influence, unlawful sexual behavior and child abuse. Expunge Colorado is filling the gap for people who would otherwise have to wait until 2024 for a bill that will automatically seal non-violent convictions for those who have completed their sentences, waited during a required period and have not committed other offenses.