NYC Reports Spike in Handgun Permit Requests
Customers tell gun sellers they’re worried about crime and new gun regulations enacted in reaction to a recent Supreme Court ruling.
With three months left in the year, the number of new handgun permit applications in New York City are on track to surpass the total number from last year, with the last two months accounting for nearly 50 percent of the total applications for all of 2022, reports Louis Finley for Spectrum News. From June 23 to August 31, there were 1,484 new handgun applications, while from January 1 to August 28 there were 3,058. Customers are telling gun sellers they’re worried about crime and new gun regulations enacted in reaction to a recent Supreme Court ruling.
John Jay College’s Associate Professor of Public Policy Warren Eller says that the numbers are trivial when compared to the city’s population of 8.5 million and points out that 70 percent of the applications in 2020 were rejected and adds that all 3,000 this year will not be approved.